SWL Rules and Info

  1. The SWL is a booked E-Wrestling federation, meaning the matches are decided by the standard of your role-playing, angle involvement and the quality of your match-strategies.
  2. Each character may only submit five role-plays each week max and at least 1 roleplay a week minimum, to ensure that the best, and not the most frequent, role-players achieve success. You will be allowed a pre match interview for every card u allow..just send those into the president.
  3. You are allowed one unit (a unit is either a single wrestler or a tag-team)
  4. Your character(s) must be original - no blatant copies of actual wrestlers will be accepted.
  5. There will be absolutely no racial, ethnic or sexual slurring in any role-plays. Anything which would not be suitable for airing on television before the watershed must be censored. Light swearing will be allowed (e.g crap, ass, etc.) but anything stronger must be 'bleeped' out.(These rules dont always apply)
  6. Stables must have a minimum of three members and a maximum of five and cost $150,000 to create.

-=Money-points system =-

-=What you can buy=-

Note there are many other ways to earn and lose money.

9. Flashes(I.E. Roleplays) can include other handler's characters, but only with their permission. All flashes must be realistic (i.e - no killing or maiming of any characters)
10. Any challenges made to wrestlers via role-plays must be confirmed with the management
beforehand. Bear in mind, the SWL is a busy promotion with not a lot of  time and can't source everyone, so specialty matches (i.e - cage matches) will be booked only during heated feuds and on 'special occasions'.
11. All sneak-attack strategies must include a justifisable motive for the attack. I will allow you to
interfere in another competitor's matches, but not without reason and not on a regular basis. Any
unrealistic stategies will be discarded. Unless you pay for it.
12. Every wrestler will suffer a loss at some time during their SWL career. Complaining about
losing matches in roleplays will not be tolerated. We suggest that anybody interested in simply
winning matches and championships who isn't concerned with role-playing and angle involvement should join another federation.

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